Landing page:
Header picture: Hyperion tree by Michael Nick Nichols from National Geographic
About us:
Header picture: Jorge Tutor / Alamy Stock Photo
Our Vision moonwood picutre: Sägewerk Saghäusl, Wolfgang Geistlinger
Our Mission visualization: Figurr Architecture Collective
Figurr Architects, project picture of Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute: Mitch Lenet
Thoma Holz, picture of Erwin Thoma: Dirk Wächter, project picture of City Hall Venlo: Frans Lemmens / Alamy Stock Photo
K6 Architects, project picture of hybrid timber building Spark, Berlin: K6 Architekten
Ventury, project visualization FUHUB: Architekt: Bollinger + Fehlig Architekten GmbH, BDA und Bauherrin: driven Investment GmbH
Read more page Volker Adler: Montreal by Matthias Mullie from unsplash.com
All other read more pages: Hyperion tree by Michael Nick Nichols from National Geographic
Building Platform:
Header pic: Photo by HONG LIN on Unsplash
Lego box pic: Photo by Dmitry Mashkin on Unsplash
Graphic End-to-end building configuration icons:
User: “Target group” icon used on the website is by Chanut is Industries from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Local architects: “Architect” icon used on the website is by The Icon Z from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Construction: “Building construction” icon used on the website is by Yu luck from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Timber Construction:
Header visualization: Figurr Architecture Collective
Prefabricated timber wall modules: Thoma Holz
Facade system visualizations: Figurr Architecture Collective
Picture of Pure Timber Envelope: Thoma Holz
Building visualization CO2-sink: Figurr Architecture Collective
Graphic building type icons:
Point and slab high-rise: “City” icon used on the website is by Made from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Row and courtyard buildings: “Square tile” icon used on the website is by Brickclay from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Industrial and special buildings: “Factory” icon used on the website is by designvector from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Fire resistance: “Fire protection” icon used on the website is by N.Style from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Insulation and energy storage: “Insulation” icon used on the website is by Stella Cohen from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Natural ventilation: “Air conditioning” icon used on the website is by monkik from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Chemical and glue-free: “No chemicals” icon used on the website is by Made x Made Icons from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Condensate and mold-free: “water scarcity” icon used on the website is by Iconbunny from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
High sound insulation: “Reflection” icon used on the website is by Kukuh Wachyu Bias from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Earthquake resistance: “Earthquake” icon used on the website is by Pascal Heß from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Radio emission shielding: “wireless internet” icon used on the website is by Studio 365 from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Durable for centuries: “Durable” icon used on the website is by Nithinan Tatah from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Physical well-being: “Psychology” icon used on the website is by Arafat Uddin from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Up to 2 hrs. less heartbeat per day: “Heartbeat” icon used on the website is by Made from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Bacteria and germ-resistant: “Antibacterial” icon used on the website is by Lars Meiertoberens from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Long-term CO2 storage in timber: Aliaksei Brouka from iStock
Cradle-to-Cradle Gold certification: Icon by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute
Reusable buildings: “Eco” icon used on the website is by Turkkub from Noun Project CC BY 3.0
Building products
Header picture: Visualization by K6 Architects
Commercial mid-rise building visualizations: Figurr Architecture Collective
Commercial high-rise building visualizations: K6 Architects
Commercial high-rise building concept drawing: Volker Adler
Energy-efficient refurbishment visualization: Figurr Architecture Collective
Visualization of building refurbishment system: Figurr Architecture Collective
Building configurator
Header picture: Visualization project CANOE by Figurr Architecture Collective
Header picture: Visualization by Figurr Architecture Collective
Photo airport Tegel, Berlin: By Olaf Tausch - Own work, CC BY 3.0
Visualization of residential development by BLR Group
Visualization of serviced apartment development by BLR Group